Archives for March, 2012

6 Rules for Getting Ripped Abs

Getting ripped abs is a process that takes lots of effort and individual experimentation to see how your body best reacts in terms of fat loss. However, the basic outline to build a set of great six pack abs is universal in its application. These tips should be incorporated into your own fitness regimen and should serve as the foundation …

7 Tips for a Hot Bikini Body

  With beach season right around the corner it means plenty of fun, sun, and for you ladies getting a hot bikini body. Coming off of the holiday season and the cold months of winter, it is almost natural for many people to pack on some pounds because after all you can just hide it with a heavy coat right? …

How Long Does it Take to Get a Six Pack?

How long does it take to get ripped six pack abs? Well there is no definite answer to that question because it varies from person to person. Your ‘six pack abs’ will be visible once you have lost enough of the fat that is covering them and how defined your abs will be is determined by the quality of training …


What is the Best Cardio for Abs?

What is the best cardio workout for six pack abs? That is a rather difficult question to answer because none of these cardiovascular exercises appreciably works the abdominal muscles as say direct exercise to the muscle group would. However, there are plenty of cardio options to help you burn through belly fat and get those cut six pack abs that …

Do You Need a Fat Burner to Get a Six Pack?

We as humans can often become impatient in this modern world where we expect instant results. This is especially true for when you are on a fat loss diet or trying to pack on extra muscle and you find yourself staring in the mirror after a tough workout wondering how long will it take for you to see some serious …