Archives for April, 2012

5 Foods for Ripped Abs

To get ripped abs you are going to have to burn off the layer of fat that currently inhabits your midsection. Obviously one way to accomplish this is by exercising and burning calories through weight lifting and cardiovascular activity. However, the best way to control your levels of body fat is through what you eat. Remember a great body starts …

8 Changes You Can Make Today for Ripped Abs

So you want to get ripped abs fast? Well, depending on the current composition of your body in terms of body fat percentage it may take longer than you might want. Stick with it though because the change will come and when you reach your goal it will be well worth it. However, there are changes that you can make …

Should Women Lift Weights? Hell Yes!

It is good to see that more and more women are turning to weight training as another means to shape their bodies beyond the usual lengthy cardio sessions and crunch after crunch while at the gym. However, there are still too many of you ladies out there that still have not embraced one of the most important fat loss tools …


How to Boost Energy Levels: Increasing Energy Naturally

There seems to be a definite energy crisis in America and I’m not talking about Peak Oil. Energy shots and drinks are a huge market in this country and there is an endless variety of these products that promise you however many hours of energy by gulping down a list of stimulants. Now there are vitamins in these types of …

I Need Motivation to Workout: How to Find Motivation

Motivation is fairly easy to get for short periods of time. Unfortunately, getting a ripped set of abs takes a longer period of time than many people can keep themselves focused for. Once that initial motivation is gone it becomes easy to fall back into old habits both dietary and relating to your exercise routine. Breaking this cycle of hard …

How to Stop Craving Junk Food

The toughest part on your journey to getting ripped abs is often not the brutal workouts that you put yourself through but dealing with the cravings of sweets such as chocolate and other junk food that can single handedly derail your goal.  Cravings for food behave very much in the same way any other addictive substance makes someone crave it, …