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Two Simple Tips to Lose Stomach Fat Naturally

If you want to reduce your stores of that stubborn stomach fat, then you are going to have to internalize some basic concepts and rules in order to make it happen. The belly, love handles, and rolls of back fat didn’t get there by magic, it was months or years of poor dietary and exercise decisions, and getting rid of …

Tips to Supercharge a Fat Loss Diet and Exercise Program

Getting a set of ripped abs is a process that takes time and dedication. Overall fitness is exactly the same in how you approach it. You can’t expect results overnight after a lifetime of poor diet and exercise habits. You can however, make certain changes to help you reach your goals in a shorter amount of time and with more …

Why Bother Getting Ripped Abs?

The area covering our abdominal muscles is one of the most difficult areas to remove fat (especially for males). This spot is the first area which gains fat and the last part where it is eliminated.  There are many ways to reduce abdominal fat, but if you want to make it permanent, you need to have long-term and sustainable plans. Stomach …


Common Mistakes of a Fat Loss Diet

Losing excess fat improves health, gives you more energy, and can give a much more aesthetically pleasing body composition. But losing weight is not always the easiest task in the world. In fact, for many people it is a challenge. Everyone’s brain is wired differently and too often we don’t account for the individual differences when embarking on a fat loss plan. And with …

A Few Challenges to Rapid Fat Loss

There can be a number of challenges and mental perceptions that come along with trying to lose fat. In fact, the diet and exercise of getting ripped is quite straightforward…the problem is the mental side of things which trips up so many people on their journey. Changing habits can be quite difficult, schedules change, new responsibilities pop up, and motivation …

Losing Lower Belly Fat Fast for Men and Women

It’s still crazy to me, how many commercials and other advertisements still sell ‘new technological breakthroughs’ in order to help develop ripped abs.  No matter how many times people tell them otherwise that doing endless crunches doesn’t work., they do not seem to ever be convinced and are mired in a place without any good results to show for it. That is, …

How to Drop Fat Fast and Keep It Off for Good

The fact is that all diets ‘work’, if one puts their body in a caloric deficit, then weight will be lost. However, not all diets are created equal and not all yield healthy results. One could lose plenty of weight over a period of time but is that really the goal? To lose weight could include muscle mass and not …

How to Lose 35 Pounds in 6 Months

About 4-5 years ago, I had a period of time in my life where I stopped exercising and ate pretty much whatever I wanted in whatever portions I could handle. I had previously trained some, but not seriously, and although I wasn’t in great shape I was still in a much better place than the general public. At some point …

One Simple Mental Trick to Lose Fat and Keep it Off

The mind is a powerful thing. It is crazy powerful, every astonishing athletic or physical feat comes not merely from the body but a strong mind that works in concert with the body. I don’t care how great your genetics are you will never be great if you never cultivate the mindset necessary to succeed and to reach that elite …

What to Do if You Don’t Have Time to Exercise

It’s funny how often people forth excuses when explaining why they haven’t reached their fitness goals. I know plenty of people like this, who will sit there and describe their ideal body or vent about their unhappiness with their current physique but not take the action required to change it. One of the most common excuses is “I just don’t …