How to Get a Body Like Jessica Biel: Diet and Workout Strategies

Jessica Biel is an actress who is known worldwide for her beauty. Since her days on the WB show 7th Heaven which captured a good girl image of Jessica to her later posing in Gear magazine that set the internet ablaze to her subsequent movie career, Jessica Biel has always maintained a great body. The great thing about Jessica’s body (besides the visuals) is that she has gone the smart route of keeping a clean diet and working with a trainer to shape and tone her muscles. Ladies, understand that the quick fix diets only work because they put you in starvation mode and you start losing fat and muscle in a very unhealthy way. These short-term ‘fixes’ will only set you back in the long run, so let’s explore how we might achieve creating a body like Jessica Biel.

What you need to understand about Hollywood actors and actresses is that they have all the resources at their disposal to get the best trainers to spend one on one time with them (thousands of dollars), can afford the best food or have someone cook it for them, and have all the motivation to stay in fantastic shape because after all their image is a part of their career success. While I don’t know your own situation and you may have the same access to these sort of options, I’m going to venture a guess and say that you don’t. So then, how do we get a great body like Jessica Biel?

The first thing we need to ask ourselves is what would a Jessica Biel workout entail? What does her body look like exactly and how can we replicate it through diet and exercise? Well, Jessica has a fairly low body fat percentage but she’s not twiggy thin and on the other hand she’s not ripped like a female bodybuilder either. Jessica has plenty of lean muscle mass but still maintains an unbelievably feminine physique. With this in mind, we should understand that there needs to be a blend of cardio and weight training in order to develop this type of body.

The next question to ask is where is your body right now?

If you have significant amounts of fat to lose:

The place to start is with cardio and a clean diet. You can obviously do weight training as well but sometimes it helps to start smaller so that you can stick to a routine over a long period of time. I’ll get to the diet later on in this post, but I can share with you a few of my posts about cardio and fat loss:

Supertrainer Rusty Moore also has an awesome ebook on cardio and fat loss. His book features three 8 week cycles for every fitness level to help you shed all of that unwanted body fat on your belly, hips, etc. Rusty literally lays it out step by step on what to do and how exactly to do it. Plus, further diet tips and dispels common misconceptions about what it actually takes to lose weight. Have a look at Visual Impact Cardio here!

If you are a Skinny Minnie:

You should still diet clean but it would be wise to take in extra calories and lift weights so that you can build up a muscular base. Also, cut back on the cardio initially because you need to focus on weight lifting in order to achieve that sexy toned look like Jessica Biel.

Rusty Moore also has a complete workout program designed for women. This ebook entitled Visual Impact for Women is designed to give you that slim and feminine look without leaving you bulky or too skinny that you lose your curves. It is a complete step by step system that will deliver fantastic results if you choose to follow it.


I’ve written about diet on this site plenty of times before and will always advocate it as the single most important aspect in getting a great body. Seriously, you will never achieve the look you desire without feeding your body what it needs, I don’t care how hard you are busting your butt in the gym.

Here are some quick tips towards shedding fat:

-Cut the liquid calories. This is huge, stop with sodas, frappes, and other calorie dense and sugar laden drinks. These calories add up significantly. When I am cutting I basically only drink water and maybe some Green Tea.

-Increase your green vegetables. Vitamins and nutrients are critical to keeping your body functioning properly and green veggies like spinach and broccoli are loaded with them. These foods are low calorie also which means they are a great way of keeping your stomach full and satisfied.

-Avoid sugar. Actually avoid all heavily processed foods. You don’t need to go zero sugar in order to create a great body but cutting it back will definitely help. Fruit has sugar and I find that it is perfectly acceptable when cutting by I know I can’t indulge too much because of the sugar getting stored as fat.

-Bump up your protein. Protein is the building block of muscle. Lean sources include, skinless chicken, turkey, whey protein shakes, lean cuts of steak, pork, and fish. Also, legumes for you vegetarians out there.

-Have a cheat day once a week to maintain sanity and trick your metabolism. Eat clean for six out of your seven days of the week and choose one day where you can indulge yourself. Don’t go crazy but enjoy some of your favorite foods on this single day before getting back to your clean living.

Here are some further posts I’ve written about diet and fat loss:

Complete Workout Program for the Feminine Look: Visual Impact for Women

Cardio Program Only: Visual Impact Cardio


To get a great body like Jessica Biel it takes time and plenty of discipline. Don’t be discouraged if you are far from her body type right now, instead use it as motivation to formulate a plan to achieve your goal. Always remember, that diet is key towards a body transformation so don’t take it lightly. This type of look requires a blend of muscle and being able to retain the curves of a woman so taking things to the extreme can throw off this balance.

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