Archives for July, 2016

More Quick Tips for Summer Six Pack Abs

Getting a solid and defined look to our bodies is a goal that many men and women have especially during the summertime. It can be a great feeling to walk around, as close to naked as modesty allows, and feel completely at ease and even proud of how your body looks. It sounds like a cool thing to accomplish but …

How To Make Fat Loss a Habit

Habits become ingrained within us over a period of time. These habits can be good or bad or sometimes even neutral. Poor eating habits and the habit of not working out on a regular basis can be terrible ones not to break. Research suggests that obese people on average take 7-14 years off of their life expectancy due to their …

How to Get Rid of Belly and Back Fat Rolls

Many people, both men and women, have a major issue with lots of excess rolls of fat covering their midsection. This fat can often cover the entire torso from the belly to back and to the love handles that can be so frustrating to get rid of. Being overweight and obese is a serious problem in the US in particular …


Lose the Belly Fat with More than Just Cardio

Cardio can be a highly effective tool for rapid fat loss. There are many people who hate doing cardio, however, and many more who swear by it. It is not only a great way to get rid of the excess weight, it is also an amazing way to improve your endurance and cardiovascular health. However, cardio is still a tool …

Losing Lower Belly Fat Fast for Men and Women

It’s still crazy to me, how many commercials and other advertisements still sell ‘new technological breakthroughs’ in order to help develop ripped abs.  No matter how many times people tell them otherwise that doing endless crunches doesn’t work., they do not seem to ever be convinced and are mired in a place without any good results to show for it. That is, …

Some Quick Rules of Fat Loss

Shedding body fat is something that is straightforward but it does take the interaction of several factors to make it a successful venture, namely: knowing your caloric intake, expenditure, and maintenance levels. Eating the right kinds of foods for your specific goals. Plus, training effectively and efficiently. Reducing body fat also has to do with adjusting the macronutrients  (protein, carbs, and …

5 Mistakes That Can Destroy Your Fat Loss Potential

If you want to get into shape, the path is fairly simple to walk down. Whatever your goal is, the two most important factors are having a diet plan that corresponds to your specific goals and a workout program to maximize the fuel you’re feeding your body (also: sleep, is wildly important). On the other hand, there are so many …

How to Drop Fat Fast and Keep It Off for Good

The fact is that all diets ‘work’, if one puts their body in a caloric deficit, then weight will be lost. However, not all diets are created equal and not all yield healthy results. One could lose plenty of weight over a period of time but is that really the goal? To lose weight could include muscle mass and not …

A Few Steps Towards Losing Belly Fat

Each and everyday online, people hop onto a search engine such as Google and search for ways to lose belly fat and develop a nice set of six pack abs. It never fails, that men and women are looking to get cut for the summer or to lose massive amounts of weight and look great in the process. During this …

Don’t Diet, Make a Lifestyle Change to Get Ripped

Getting into great shape and staying healthy in the long run isn’t quite as complicated as it is made out to be. Much of the work is finding healthy food options which fit your lifestyle and your preferences in tastes. The problem with many ‘diets’ is they are temporary and not a natural way of eating. What the hell is …